Mga ambag ni Pmlineditor
Para ki Pmlineditor urulay tala kan binagat mga upload mga tala global block log global account talaan nin abuso
A user with 1 edit. Account created on 18 Enero 2010.
13 Oktubre 2014
- 13:3713:37, 13 Oktubre 2014 iba kas +40 B Olay kan paragamit:Startupevo1 Pmlineditor pinagbalyo an pahina Olay kan paragamit:Startupevo1 pasiring sa Olay kan paragamit:Grind24: Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Startupevo1" to "Grind24" presente
- 13:3713:37, 13 Oktubre 2014 iba kas 0 s Olay kan paragamit:Grind24 Pmlineditor pinagbalyo an pahina Olay kan paragamit:Startupevo1 pasiring sa Olay kan paragamit:Grind24: Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Startupevo1" to "Grind24"
- 13:3713:37, 13 Oktubre 2014 iba kas +31 B Paragamit:Startupevo1 Pmlineditor pinagbalyo an pahina Paragamit:Startupevo1 pasiring sa Paragamit:Grind24: Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Startupevo1" to "Grind24" presente
- 13:3713:37, 13 Oktubre 2014 iba kas 0 s Paragamit:Grind24 Pmlineditor pinagbalyo an pahina Paragamit:Startupevo1 pasiring sa Paragamit:Grind24: Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Startupevo1" to "Grind24"